I scolded Tiffany for switching off her phone
when I needed her the most, and she
apologised regrettably, in the serenity of her
room Tiffany stared closely at me, she said
nothing while I talked unending, it was just
like the first day we met. I suddenly stopped
talking and reached for her lips but she was
quick to evade me.
We were on the bed while all this was going
on. After she dodged my kiss I got upset, I
told her she always led me on and when I
tried to make a move she left me hanging, I
said this Angrily, but she stayed the same she
didn’t utter a word, I sighed and reclined to
the pillow on the bed. Tiffany looked at me
mournfully and said ‘’you won’t understand’’ I
told her to at least explain and she said ‘’it’s
not that easy’’ her hard to get attitude was
starting to piss me off, funny enough I didn’t
really want anything from her, I just wanted
to know how it felt to kiss her and hold her
close, if she would accept me, I would dump
every other girl Wilma inclusive, and be with
her alone, even if it meant being in a distant
Having had enough of the antics I made an
attempt to get off the bed, but she held me
back, she placed her hand on my chest and
said to me ‘’I love you, but that’s the
problem’’, I calmed myself down and asked
her ‘’why?’’ I assured her that I would always
love her and be there for her, I told her that I
would never be unfaithful like her father was
to her mother, I told her ‘’if you let go I would
have to jump in there after you’’, this was her
favourite quote in the movie titanic, on saying
this she looked at me sternly with a sparkle
in her eyes, she was starting to give in.
I just wondered why she was doing all this,
why she was having this fierce battle within
herself, I concluded that she was a virgin and
was scared of what would happen next.
Tiffany had a will of steel but I was starting to
bend it. I placed my hand on her face and
reached for her lips once again, she made an
attempt to look away, but i kept her face in
position and finally I locked my lips with hers,
before I could spell S-E-X we had already
taken off our clothes, I analysed her body
concisely, I fondled her small b---m and
s----d her large black Tips, she was already
wet and moaning, the smell of her orifice had
overwhelmed the whole room, it was the
smell of pleasure. I knelt before her and
stared at her vaginaa, it was quite bushy, i
could barely even sight her glory hole. When I
decided to insert my tool she begged me to
put on a condom, I said I don’t have one,
then I recalled I had put a pack of condoms
in my pocket before going to sit with Wilma at
the parlour, condom I ended up not using.
Wilma was so possessive on bed; she didn’t
even give me a chance to wear it.
Having put on the condom ready to ravish
Tiffany she still stopped me, I saw confusion
in her eyes, she was almost crying, she said
‘’please don’t let me do this’’ I almost stopped
but i knew that, that was her last show of
virtuousness before she opened her pride to
me, so i Ignored her and went deep into her,
it was a breadth taking moment, literarily.
We remained in the missionary position
through the whole ordeal, she wrapped her
legs around my waste while I thrusted into
her in a rhythmic pattern, she moaned right
into my ear as if her moans were words or
sentences, it was blissful. The pace of my
thrusting started to increase, her moans got
louder, and as if she just acquired the ability
to speak English, she spluttered ‘’Yes, yes, I
will always love you, oh yes’’ into my ear, my
organ was completely soaked with her K---y-
Cat oil, our bodies were covered in a pool of
our own sweat. The sensation was starting to
get to me, my waste was becoming numb, the
pleasure had escalated in such a short time,
so I tried to pull through, but in no time I
precipitated and Tiffany arced her back in
tandem, she was crying now while I was
thrusting still, at a slow pace as if in rhythm
with the ‘Sexual healing’ song which was now
playing on the stereo.
I disengaged from Tiffany, and to my surprise
the bed sheet socked with blood, my
ccondom had broken, and all the while we
were doing it skin to skin. I had emptied my
load into Tiffany’s virgin pusssy. I was
however, surprised that she didn’t give out a
scream while I pierced through her hymen
unknowingly. That was the second to the last
time I saw Tiffany while I was in Abuja, right
after the incident she dressed up and went
back to the party, and since then she stopped
picking my calls and she didn’t call me either,
anytime I went to her place I was told she
was not around, she left my whole world
With Tiffany virtually out of my life I drowned myself in a sexual Pancratuim. I had become Wilma’s dilldo; it was like we had Viagra flowing through our veins. We f----d all day every day, even at night I knew no rest, we did it in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen table even on the field at night, Wilma herself must have often been dehydrated because I made her Pour massively in every round, we utilized our bodies to optimum, by now I had explored all the holes in her body, excepting the hole in her ear lobe, but even with this she asked for more, Wilma was a chronic Nymphomaniac. On one occasion we played a sexx game and she filmed it on her camera, she loved sexx tapes she loved the thrill of the possibility that it might spread to the public accidentally, In this game i was an armed bandit and she was a police officer, I busted into the room and subdued her at gun point and we started bleeping all over again, she screamed loudly as if she was being raped by a ghost, she was a drama queen. Her hole was so very tight, it usually gave my
Johnson the needed massage and in no time I would feel her up with my yoghurt, Wilma was on the pill, so she forbade me to use a condom.
It was on a Thursday morning, we had barely eaten breakfast when Wilma pounced on me as usual in her room, we had been sleeping Unclad on the bed with just blankets to cover ourselves, in a split second I jumped to the floor and violently upturned her to the Canine position, with her head face down on the bed she turned to me and smiled with gratitude, Wilma had turned me into an animal so I was about to ffuck her dogggy style. Her Bottom was glowing, and her pusssy lips bulging from behind, without delay I plunged my peninsula into her Vagingogo and jerked against her in quick succession and her fluid came spawning down to the floor like olive oil, it was at that moment Tiffany barged into the room and we all froze for seconds, i could see that her eyes had already been swollen from endless crying, she looked at us absent- mindedly as if we weren’t even there and then she left and closed the door behind. Immediately after that my Libido vanished, to my greatest surprise Wilma was still asking
for more, I looked at her angrily, put on my clothes and chased after my girl, but all avenues to see her failed. I went to her house to check on her but it was the same story, I tried to call but her phone remained switched off, if only I knew I would’ve just let her be
and not try to kiss or touch her, she hadn’t even said yes to me and I had already started
being unfaithful, I felt sorry for her and for myself, she was a happy girl and I came and
took away her virginity and messed her life up.
I sat there listening to Clara going on and on about Singapore, my mind drifted to the Intimate dream I had about her weeks ago and then I smiled, Clara immediately noticed my absent-mindedness and said “You’re not listening are you” and I told her with the same smile on my face “I am”. It was already a week and Clara was back home. I had spent a month so far in Abuja, and though I talked to my folks at home every day on the phone, I missed them still, I missed my dog, I missed my room, I missed all my friends, most of all I missed school, the VC was very dull in his approach it was over 4 months and nothing had been said about resumption.
Meanwhile Wilma had gone hay wire, after the incident I fell into a depression, I didn’t see
Tiffany since that day and that made me very bitter. Even with my down trodden mood, Wilma still requested s*x, and every time she did I shoved her away with indignation. It came to a point where she wouldn’t let me sleep she would creep into my room at night and attempt to suck my dicki; I wasn’t finding it funny anymore. The day before Clara’s arrival she came to my room while I was reading a novel and beckoned on me to fix her light bulb which she said was faulty, on reaching there I noticed the bulb was just fine, Wilma was at it again, trying desperately to seduce me, she unbuckled her robe before me exposing her full banana shaped breastss which I had seen a thousand times, she came gently towards me put her hand on my chick and begged me to make love to her, she said she missed me and she wanted to feel me inside her even if it was for the last time before I went back to Calabar, she claimed that she had come to love me and she was willing to do anything to replace Tiffany, I was done with s------g Wilma and I would not go back on my word, she had caused enough damage already. Wilma put her hand on my crottch and started caressing it through my boxer shorts, immediately, I pushed her hand aside, she said ‘‘please baby, don’t do this’’ as she said this she quickly brought her face to kiss me but I dodged , she grabbed me on my T-shirt and forcefully tried to kiss me again, this time I pushed her to the bed, Wilma flared up like a bomb, she fought and clawed at me, at the same time raining down curses, then suddenly she stopped and with a sober look she said ‘’Baby Am so sorry, please forgive me’’, I always knew that Wilma was a s*x addict but at that moment I realised that she was also mentally unstable. When I remained resolute in avoiding her amorous advances, she reminded me of the sexx tape we shot together, then informed me that though we were acting, it would look like a Rrape to anyone ignorant of that fact, she threatened to deposit the Compromizing Video with the police if I don’t drop the act and lay her there and then. Though I was well aware that a convicted rapist could be punished with life imprisonment, I remained unflinched. Wilma packed her things out that day and I was left alone throughout the night.
Clara’s arrival brought back joy into my heart not only because I had missed her, but because she came back with a brand new phone for me, a blackberry bold torch, it was the latest mobile sensation at that time and it cost close to a hundred thousand naira, my joy knew no bounds. I was starting to fall for Clara all over again, the kiss she gave me before boarding a plane to Singapore remained indelible in my mind, I didn’t tell her how Wilma left me all alone the previous day, instead I told her that Wilma had gone to see her mother that same morning she arrived Abuja. Clara brought back so many other things including a sleek looking Louis Vuitton perfume, I hadn’t perceived anything that good for a long time, maybe because for a while all I could perceive was a wet vaginaa thanks to Wiliwanker. Huddy was not left out in the merriment; Clara had brought it assorted dog food, which she was about to serve it and it wagged its tale in anticipation. Clara talked about Singapore for hours, she
described the skyscrapers, their high level of technology and all the Asian people she had met, she said jokingly that their names sounded like the clanging of a spoon when it feel down. Clara was a very enthusiastic person, and very hardworking too, she was undoubtedly ‘Miss Independent’. Clara’s busy schedule the past weeks had robbed us the opportunity of spending quality time together. Funny enough Clara never talked about William after that outing. While we talked I realised that I had missed Clara without even knowing. It was becoming dark and Clara wanted to go and relax in the Jacuzzi.

To be continued in the next post.